Full access is yours for £300 + vat per year.
Features & Benefits
What's in it for you?
Turf Tracker is simple to use and provides these key benefits:
- Ensure plant health is optimal. Keep the chemistry in the plant with accurately timed spraying applications.
- Save money on irrigation water by using evapotranspiration rates and sprinkler data to increase watering accuracy.
- Record your clip volume and nutrient applications quickly and digitally. Save money by only feeding when the grass needs it.
- Produce charts to illustrate how the grass is growing and what conditions have caused it.
- Pre-Start checks made easy, become legally compliant without the fuss of paperwork.
Pre-start ChecksCarry out machine specific Pre-start checks using your phone. |
Spray ForecastMonitor spray intervals with real-time weather data for your venue. |
Clip Vol.Enhance decision-making on mowing frequency, nitrogen use, and plant growth regulators. |
Dollar Spot ForecastDisease prediction using traditional Smith Kerns and our innovative Turf Tracker model. |
Microdochium ForecastStay ahead and see disease pressure before it happens. |
Help & SupportComprehensive help and guidance when you need it the most. |